Lejdi Prifti

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Lejdi Prifti
Software Engineer
Web3 Developer
ML Practitioner
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React & Angular
Machine Learning
Docker & Kubernetes
AWS & Cloud
Team Player
Time Management
  • Java, JavaScript, Python
  • AWS, Kubernetes, Azure
  • Bootstrap, Materialize
  • Css, Sass, Less
  • Blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity
  • React, React Native, Flutter
  • GIT knowledge
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning

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Web Development Tutoring

(1 customer review)


Do you want to improve your current talents or learn the art of web building from scratch? There’s nowhere else to look! The goal of My Web Development Tutoring Service is to provide you the information, abilities, and self-assurance you need to succeed in the field of web development.

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Improve your web development skills with my web development tutoring sessions, which are meant to help you get to the next level. My individualized approach guarantees focused learning in line with your specific needs and present ability level, regardless of your skill level.

Start with the basics of HTML and CSS and work your way up to more complex JavaScript and TypeScript approaches. Examine the nuances of responsive design and learn about well-known frameworks like Angular and React. Each session is a cooperative, one-on-one encounter that ensures you get committed coaching and assistance.

I am available to fully mentor you even after the web development tutoring sessions. You could ask me for advice and tips in my communication channels, such as Discord and Telegram.

Together, we’ll successfully negotiate the complex world of web development, transforming obstacles into victories and doubts into assurance. My intention is to enable you to create outstanding applications and websites, develop your portfolio and finally, land your dream job/career.

These tutoring sessions are crucial for success whether your goal is to start a new career or advance your current level of knowledge. Together, let’s go on this initiative and realize the full potential of your web development skills.

Are you prepared to move forward? Make an appointment right now to start your web development journey.

1 review for Web Development Tutoring

  1. Kai

    Lejdi’s lessons are a blast! 🙏 His teaching style is both fun and informative, making those tricky concepts a breeze to understand. Im a designer diving into web development, Lejdi’s been my go-to guide of choice. He’s got a great mix of humor and expertise!

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