Lejdi Prifti

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Lejdi Prifti
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Enable copy-paste with Virtual Machine Manager

29. November 2023

In this short article, we will resolve a problem you might have been facing and googling for a while, how to enable copy-paste in a virtual machine created with Virtual Machine Manager. The ability to copy and paste data from the host of the virtual machine to the virtual machine is vital and it helps to be more productive.

Download Spice Space

The first step on enabling copy-paste in the virtual machine manager is to download the spice guest tools and install them in your Windows machine. These tools are some optional drivers and services that can be installed in the Windows guest to improve SPICE performance and integration. This includes the qxl video driver and the SPICE guest agent (for copy and paste, automatic resolution switching, …).

Configure Spice Server

Now, you need to open your virtual machine configuration in Virtual Machine Manager. Go to Display Spice and select Spice server as the type. Afterwards, you will need to restart your VM and the copy-paste functionality must be fully working. 

It was easy but vital.

virtual machine configuration

Additionally, if you want to setup a shared folder between your host machine (Ubuntu) and your guest machine (Windows), I would highly recommend this guide written by Ubuntu. It shows how to setup a samba server for sharing files between the machines over the network.

Thank you for reading!

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