Lejdi Prifti

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Lejdi Prifti
Software Engineer
DevOps Engineer
ML Practitioner
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AWS & Cloud
Team Player
Coordination & Leadership
Time Management
Docker & Kubernetes
  • Java, JavaScript, Python
  • AWS, Kubernetes, Azure
  • Bootstrap, Materialize
  • Css, Sass, Less
  • Blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity
  • React, React Native, Flutter
  • GIT knowledge
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning

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Enable copy-paste with Virtual Machine Manager
Enable copy-paste with Virtual Machine Manager

In this short article, we will resolve a problem you might have been facing and googling for a while, how…

How to use Spring Actuator with Grafana & Prometheus
26. November 2023 / SpringBoot
How to use Spring Actuator with Grafana & Prometheus

This post will walk you through setting up a Spring Boot application with Prometheus to submit metrics in Grafana. All…

WebSummit 2023: Where are AI and Web3 heading to?
20. November 2023 / Technology
WebSummit 2023: Where are AI and Web3 heading to?

In this article, I will give you an overview of the most fascinating talks that took place at WebSummit 2023….

Build your customized Keycloak image
Build your customized Keycloak image

The problem Keycloak occasionally does not provide the functionalities that our clients or us desire. In the scenario, what should…

Creating an Ethereum smart contract vulnerability detection model
4. November 2023 / Blockchain, Deep Learning
Creating an Ethereum smart contract vulnerability detection model

Introduction By automating complicated transactions and processes, smart contracts, the self-executing agreements used on blockchain platforms, have revolutionized a number…

Use Spring Retry instead of do-while
1. November 2023 / SpringBoot
Use Spring Retry instead of do-while

In this article, I’ll outline the advantages of switching from the standard do-while method to Spring Retry when contacting external…

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